SpongeBob SquarePants: Songs (海綿寶寶 歌曲 二選一) - Ranking
SpongeBob SquarePants: Songs (海綿寶寶 歌曲 二選一) Non-original Songs without rearrangement like "Sweet Victory" will NOT be included (非原創且未改詞的歌曲(例如:"Sweet Victory")不列入) Listed by TwBloodStar
{{$t('Global Rank')}}
Mark Lamar Stewart - Gary's Song
Winning Rate: 100%
Mark Lamar Stewart - Gary's Song
Tom Kenny - Employee of the Month
Winning Rate: 80%
Tom Kenny - Employee of the Month
Jim Wise & Tom Rothrock - Goofy Goober Rock
Winning Rate: 75%
Jim Wise & Tom Rothrock - Goofy Goober Rock
Tom Kenny - I Can’t Keep My Eyes Off Of You
Winning Rate: 66.7%
Tom Kenny - I Can’t Keep My Eyes Off Of You
Tom Kenny - Best Day Ever
Winning Rate: 66.7%
Tom Kenny - Best Day Ever
Tom Kenny & Clancy Brown - This Grill Is Not A Home
Winning Rate: 66.7%
Tom Kenny & Clancy Brown - This Grill Is Not A Home
Tom Kenny - My Tighty Whiteys
Winning Rate: 66.7%
Tom Kenny - My Tighty Whiteys
The Flaming Lips - Spongebob & Patrick Confront The Psychic Wall of Energy
Winning Rate: 66.7%
The Flaming Lips - Spongebob & Patrick Confront The Psychic Wall of Energy
Tom Kenny (intro) & Peter Straus - Ripped Pants
Winning Rate: 50%
Tom Kenny (intro) & Peter Straus - Ripped Pants
Tom Kenny - Where's Gary?
Winning Rate: 50%
Tom Kenny - Where's Gary?
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